Cystoscopy (Cystourethroscopy)

Cystoscopy is a procedure that enables Dr. Nwaubani to view the inside of the bladder and urethra in great detail. It is commonly used to diagnose abnormalities of the bladder and its lining.

The procedure is performed here in the office. Prior to the procedure, you will empty your bladder and be positioned onto an examination table. After administration of a local anesthetic, a cystoscope (which is a small lighted tube) will be inserted into the bladder. Sterile water is then instilled into the bladder through the cystoscope. As the fluid fills the bladder, the bladder wall is stretched, thus allowing detailed viewing for Dr. Nwaubani. Under normal conditions, the bladder wall should appear smooth and the bladder should be normal size, shape, and position, and there should be no blockages. If any of the bladder wall appears abnormal, a small sample can be removed through the cystoscope to be analyzed.

The average cystoscopy takes about 10-15 minutes.

After the cystoscope is removed, you may experience some soreness or a burning sensation for up to 48 hours. If discomfort persists, fever develops, or urine appears bright red, contact our office immediately. As a precaution, you will be given a post-procedure antibiotic.

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